Our favorite Slovak podcasts

Our favorite Slovak podcasts

I’m a big podcast listener – my kids will be the first to tell you 😊 I have a mix of news, financial, tech, and of course Slovak podcasts. Here are my favorite picks for you that I’ve enjoyed.

All the links are to Pocket Casts, which is my favorite cross platform podcast player. With Pocket Casts you can customize the playback features for each podcast. So for example, on American podcasts I enable a “trim silence” feature which cuts out pauses in most podcasts. But for some Slovak podcasts, I turn the playback speed down to .8 or so and the setting only applies to that podcast. Let me know if you want a dedicated article on how to listen to Slovak with Pocket Casts!

  1. Radio Slovakia International, Slovakia Today. Radio Slovakia International is located in the famous “upside down pyramid” building in Bratislava and for English speakers interested in Slovakia this is the best resource. This is because they have a small team dedicated to reading the news and producing original content in English. I even had the honor of going inside the pyramid and if you want, you can hear an interview with me on Radio Slovakia here.
  2. Radio Slovakia International, Slovenkso dnes. Similar, but different. For someone learning Slovak, I’m at maybe A2/B1 level, this is one of the more approachable Slovak podcasts. It is largely because their audio engineering is quite good so you can clearly hear the speakers. Plus, if you listen to the English news first, you will have an idea of what they are saying. However, the featured segments are not the same between the two.
  3. Learn Slovak and More Podcast. This podcast by Božena, a Slovak living in Pennsylvania, is largely in English but for the second half of each Podcast she teaches Slovak language. What I especially like about her Podcast is for the first half she really has some nice stories about Slovak Culture and history. For pocket casts, you don’t want to enable “trim silence” because she leaves pauses for you to practice your Slovak. You may see me driving repeating Slovak phrases from Božena.

These are my top three. I have quite a few still on my player that are more infrequent, so let me know if you want me to do a post summarizing some more Slovak podcasts!

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